Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Perfect Day

The perfect day.. I don't know what to say. I have always lived with the saying, "There is not such thing as perfect." But, perhaps I put my mind set apart from this idea. The perfect day would be the day I didn't have to live another day with out my boy from Alabama. This day actually happened recently. Some people call me crazy for this. But, I drove all the way to Alabama, just to pick him up along with his brother. The day we moved into our apartment, was the closest thing to perfect for me, I am so happy I don't have to go another day wondering if I will see him again. Every time he visited I always worried I would never see him again. I wondered that he might never be able to move to Minnesota or something tragic would happen to him. But, finally the perfect day came along. He is now here in Minnesota and I get to see him everyday. Perfect seems to be an eternity.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Million Dollar Speech Idea

Since, I have been out of class due to my tonsils coming out and my bad luck of a car breaking down making it impossible to get to school on tuesdays and thrusdays. I was not able to partake in the group discussion on The million dollar speech idea.
My Idea is to do a speech on how I would like to use the money to put in act that all McDonald's starting in Minnesota should have a play place. My idea has been developed through these facts:
1) I am very knowledgeable on the McDonalds firm.
2) Mcdonald's is trying to become more healthy; this could help.
3) I am majoring in marketing and managment and hope to take the Marketing managers job in the coorporation for the midwest region.

More quotes...

Here are some more quotes by not Rob Larson but, Rob Bell.

"All we have is today."
Rob Bell talked about how many times we like to live in the past or try to predict the future. This is absolutely true for myself. I constantly find myself wishing I could relive certain moment. I wish to relive the moment in which, my adreniline was high and my happiness was at a peak. Is this really realistic though? I am never going to get these moments back-- no matter how hard I wish. On the otherside of things, I always try to find the awnser to the future. I ask questions like these:
"What is the weather going to be like tomorow?"
"What am I going to do if that happens?"
"What if it does not work?
"Where will I be when I am old?
These are all questions I ask myself. I think part of the problem is these questions stem from the way we grow up. We are asked as a small child, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" In high school, we are asked, "What do you want to go to school for?"
The problem lyes with the fact the future is unknown. We don't know if we will be alive. We don't know what is in store for us. We just don't know.
Overall, we waste so much time thinking about the past and future that we forget the present. And, the present is the only thing guareenteed. We do not know if we will be here tomorow, and we can not make past experiance agian. So, why do we dwell on the past and future? It is just a waste of time when we can make a moment happen today.

"Life is not static."
By this quote, Rob Bell is saying that life does not stay still. Life does not depict a heart monitor with a straight line. Life keeps moving. Here is a blog about a rock climbing instructor who illustrates this point that Rob Bell is trying to establish.
Click me!

"When the guy saw her he said woah man."
This quote was more or less entertaining. Rob Bell was talking about the creation of earth. I found the story was told in a way my attention was caught.

"What you look for you will find."
This quote goes hand in hand with the old saying, "The sky is the limit." However, often I hear people saying the sky is not your limit but, that humans are limitless. I believe this is true metaphorically speaking. We as humans and try hard to do what we wish. Sometimes people ask me how I do it? They are amazed that I manage to work 40 hours a week and go to school. I tell them it is hard work and dedication and without the both of them I would feel bored. At times it is rough but, its what forfills my life. What I want in life, I have looked for and I have found-- success.
"Take one day a week to remeber you're not a machine."
Rob Bell talked about what the meaning behind sunday. Sunday, was not invented for church but, rather to rest. It is a shame that as humans, myself inclueded, do not take time to ourselfs. On average, I probably get one to two hours to myself a day. This is no inclueding sleep. I have practically becomed a machine.
I have became a robot with a heart. But, even robots need rest or they break or start to rust.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thesis, Conclusion, Repeat

1. a) The United States and Israel have a unique relationship, In which, the USA gives foreign aid to Israel but, as the years have gone on Its as though Israel dose not need us anymore. So that leaves one with the question whether America should continues to militarize the Middle East under President Obama’s policy as America did under George W. Bush.
b)Through the history of the United States and Israel’s relationship, I think one can find that America should not continue to militarize Israel. About Twenty or more years ago providing aid to Israel was the right thing to do in the effort of preventing the expansion of the Soviet Union and to build a home for the Jews. Today, being allies with Israel would be the smart thing. However, we should not provide any economic aid to Israel while we are in a financial crisis of some sort. Furthermore, the United States should not continue to militarize Israel under Obama’s administration as America had under Bush’s administration. While we have conflict with the Middle East and until the conflict is resolved, we should not be militarizing a Middle Eastern state that could easily turn on us. For we already made a mistake in giving Israel bombs to destroy trenches of the guerilla group of Lebanon. They could have easily betrayed us and used the bomb on us. Overall, Israel and the United States have a unique relationship that should be handled carefully. And to handle it carefully, under Obama’s administration, we should not continue to militarize Israel.

2. a)Obviously, there are several factors that can add up to the reason’s McDonalds makes up 75 percent of the burger market. However, one factor that contributes to this is McDonalds engages in price discrimination. For example, let’s look at the Big Mac; without a doubt when asked “who sells Big Mac’s,” the answer replied would be McDonalds. It would be the only reply heard because no body eles makes Big Mac’s. With this being said, we can gather McDonalds is a Monopoly. By being a monopoly the business has complete control of a market that makes it possible to engage in price discrimination.
b)In conclusion, Mcdonald’s is a monopolistic company that engages in price discrimination to continue making up 75 percent of the burger market. If they did not continue to engage in price discrimination, it would result in failure to meet revenues to keep the business a float. McDonalds would not maximize in profits because they would not reach several segments of the market. Because, each segment values each item McDonalds has to offer at a different price.

3. a)As kids, my little brother and I have always been taught that “sharing is caring.” However, when it comes to Easter we were always put into a prisoner’s dilemma situation. Since I was the oldest, I was rather clever and quick in comparison to my brother. I found that if I got up early before mom and dad woke I could find where all the Easter eggs were prior to the actual Easter egg hunt. However, my brother caught on to my ways, and began waking up early too.
b)However if my brother and I could have both received the maximum number of eggs by not getting up early, we both would have cooperated. For example, if we both receive 45 eggs by not getting up early and could receive no more than 45 in any other instances, we both would have cooperated.

Abstract, Citation, Repeat

Speeches we've done, and the road ahead...

Read Units 15 &16: “Support, Style, Organization, and Presentation” (pages 326-388).

Define the following terms in your own words. Do not use textbook definitions, but imagine how you would describe these terms to other students.

1. Thesis: A thesis is used to tell the audience what they are going to here in simple statement that helps create main point and keep the audience focused on what is going to be said.

2. Narratives: Narratives are stories that can be used to explain complex ideas while gaining audience attention.

3. Analogies: Analogiies compare things. This can be useful to make the aduience believe what your saying.

4. Testimony: A testimony is opions of those of value depending upon different subjects.

5. Presentation aids: Presentation aids draw a picture for the audience. They explain ideas, reinforce ideas, and demonstrate ideas. With presentation aids it makes the presentation more memorable by the audience.

6. Models: Modles are a representation of real objects. It is a way to explain something complicated. Like noted in the book and example of a model could be a DNA strand. Because of the complexity of DNA and how small it is, a model can help explain what DNA is and is doing.

7. Motivated Sequence: The moticated sequence is a five step speech that is used in order to obtain excitement on certain topics. The five steps are: 1)Attention 2)Need 3)Satisfaction 4)Visualization 5)Action

8. Orientation: This is to make the audience comfortable with the subject. It lays out what is going to be said and/ or done.

9. Closure: Closure is a way to end your speech using something that is powerfull and to the point.

Name 3 examples of presentation aids.

1. Photographs
2. Charts
3. Video's

Name 6 patterns that are involved with Public Speaking.
1. Temporal Pattern
2. Spatial Pattern
3. Topical Pattern
4. Problem-Solution Pattern
5. Cause-Effect/Effect-Cause Pattern
6. Motivated Sequence Pattern

What is the difference between a conclusion and closure? A closure is part of a conclusion. The closer serves as the ending point of the speech completely. Where as, the conclusion not only inclueds the closer but, also a summary and motivation.

Find an article in a magazine or newspaper and summarize it in 4 sentences below.
1. Article Title: Cell Phone Addition Take A Break
2. Summary: The article establishes the point that it may be good for us to dissconect from our cell phones. The author, Ciara DeRemee points out that there use to be a time when cell phones were not even around however, today as a society we find it hard to imagine ourselfs disconnected from our cell phone devices. In addition, she questions, "Wouldn't you think they would get tired of going through this world always connected and always knowing everything?" She conclueds the article by stating, that it would be a good to consider disconnecting ourselfs from our cell phone devices for short periods of time by doing other things such as, going for a jog.

Based on your own performance, and your observations of others in class, please describe five ways in which you will make a conscious improvement during your final.
1. I want to make sure I am more prepared for my speech by practicing several times.
2. I want to avoid awkward pauses.
3. Get rid of the um's completely.
4. Provide a better closure; I always conclued but, I am not sure if I give closer.
5. Use simpler words. I learned from our debate and unit 16 that I tend to use large words that people who are not familar with the same knowledge as me, do not understand what I am saying.

Relationships, Part 1

Interpersonal Exercise #9: Relationships, Part 1

What do you think relationships in the U.S. mostly emphasize?
Relationships in the U.S. mostly emphasize on individualist ideals. As stated in our book, the U.S. is less collective then say China and other asian culutures. I found this ties back to even our economy, not just the way we love. Unlike China, The U.S. has an economy where each person or company will do what is better for their company or selfs, not what is good for several people or the company. I think the same as the U.S. does as far as our economy we do in our relationships. We do many things for personal gain. We have all heard the famous phrase, "it's not you, it's me." And, it is true. We break up with people because it does not work out for us individual. Either they do not make you happy, or you don't feel chemistry; whatever it is is comes down to being indicidualist. We are not a country who marries who our parents want anymore, we are a country that looks to make each individual happier.

What things do you see are important to a relationship in U.S. culture today? Is this a good or a bad thing? Why?

How does culture affect your own relationships?

How do the media affect what people look for in friendships and romantic relationships?

For this response, Use complete sentences, proper grammar, and correct spelling. Be concise, but thorough. Refer to your course text. I will reject work with errors.

Sample answer: Culture and the media affect relationships by skewing public perceptions of beauty and its importance. Relationships in the U.S. mostly focus on outer appearances, wealth, and social standing. This is a bad thing because people don’t really like each other for who they are...