Here are some more quotes by not Rob Larson but, Rob Bell.
"All we have is today."
Rob Bell talked about how many times we like to live in the past or try to predict the future. This is absolutely true for myself. I constantly find myself wishing I could relive certain moment. I wish to relive the moment in which, my adreniline was high and my happiness was at a peak. Is this really realistic though? I am never going to get these moments back-- no matter how hard I wish. On the otherside of things, I always try to find the awnser to the future. I ask questions like these:
"What is the weather going to be like tomorow?"
"What am I going to do if that happens?"
"What if it does not work?
"Where will I be when I am old?
These are all questions I ask myself. I think part of the problem is these questions stem from the way we grow up. We are asked as a small child, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" In high school, we are asked, "What do you want to go to school for?"
The problem lyes with the fact the future is unknown. We don't know if we will be alive. We don't know what is in store for us. We just don't know.
Overall, we waste so much time thinking about the past and future that we forget the present. And, the present is the only thing guareenteed. We do not know if we will be here tomorow, and we can not make past experiance agian. So, why do we dwell on the past and future? It is just a waste of time when we can make a moment happen today.
"Life is not static."
By this quote, Rob Bell is saying that life does not stay still. Life does not depict a heart monitor with a straight line. Life keeps moving. Here is a blog about a rock climbing instructor who illustrates this point that Rob Bell is trying to establish.
Click me!
"When the guy saw her he said woah man."
This quote was more or less entertaining. Rob Bell was talking about the creation of earth. I found the story was told in a way my attention was caught.
"What you look for you will find."
This quote goes hand in hand with the old saying, "The sky is the limit." However, often I hear people saying the sky is not your limit but, that humans are limitless. I believe this is true metaphorically speaking. We as humans and try hard to do what we wish. Sometimes people ask me how I do it? They are amazed that I manage to work 40 hours a week and go to school. I tell them it is hard work and dedication and without the both of them I would feel bored. At times it is rough but, its what forfills my life. What I want in life, I have looked for and I have found-- success.
"Take one day a week to remeber you're not a machine."
Rob Bell talked about what the meaning behind sunday. Sunday, was not invented for church but, rather to rest. It is a shame that as humans, myself inclueded, do not take time to ourselfs. On average, I probably get one to two hours to myself a day. This is no inclueding sleep. I have practically becomed a machine.
I have became a robot with a heart. But, even robots need rest or they break or start to rust.
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