Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why Bother? (Debate)

My biggest concern with society is why we care what other people are doing all the time. This person likes so and so, this person dose not exercise enough, this person is pregnant, and this person smokes. Who cares? What other people do is what they do. With this being said the tobacco ban being implemented January 1st, should not. Several factors contribute to why the tobacco ban should not be implemented such as: its economicallyy incorrect, it goes against America's so called freedoms, and banning tobacco just causes more issues.

During the debate in class, I focused on two points economics and possible problems resulting from a tobacco ban. In class, I mentioned sin tax; some people took it as I was saying scholatica makes taxes. However, that was not my point. My point is eliminating tobacco use will result in a decrease of revenue for the government. This becomes a result because with less opportunity to smoke or chew tobacco on campus, there is less consumption. Therefore, resulting in less sin tax that provides the goverment with revenue for expenditures. However, Scholastica is one college, the more colleges that become tobacco-free, the more that follow. There are many followers in this world and few that take a stand as a leader. I feel Scholastica is not taking a stand in becoming tobacco free but, rather following suit with the rest of the country in judging what others do in their free time.

Overall, I felt my team for pro-tobacco use on campus did a great job. I felt we went above the limit of focusing only on one main point. The other group did a good job, but I felt they focused on statistics that had to do with smoking illnesses that smokers are aware of. Furthermore, their side brought up what they thought were economic points which, they should not have, any economic professor will tell you it is economically incorrect to ban tobacco use. I don't think either team deserves less then a A. Both teams were prepared but, stronger in different areas of the debate.

Here is a video to bring a little bit of light to the subject. I find it slightly funny anywho!

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